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/* eslint global-require:0 */
/* eslint import/newline-after-import:0 */
import Model from './model';
import {tableNameForJoin} from './utils';

import Attributes from './attributes';
import DatabaseChangeRecord from './database-change-record';


const {AttributeCollection, AttributeJoinedData} = Attributes;

DatabaseTransaction exposes a convenient API for querying and modifying an RxDB
within a SQLite transaction.

You shouldn't need to instantiate this class directly. Instead, use
export default class DatabaseTransaction {
  constructor(database) {
    this.database = database;
    this._changeRecords = [];
    this._opened = false;

  @borrows RxDatabase#find
  find(...args) { return this.database.find(...args) }
  findBy(...args) { return this.database.findBy(...args) }
  findAll(...args) { return this.database.findAll(...args) }
  modelify(...args) { return this.database.modelify(...args) }
  count(...args) { return this.database.count(...args) }
  findJSONBlob(...args) { return this.database.findJSONBlob(...args) }

  execute(fn) {
    if (this._opened) {
      throw new Error("DatabaseTransaction:execute was already called");

    return this._query("BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION").then(() => {
      this._opened = true;
      return fn(this);
    }).finally(() => {
      if (!this._opened) {
        return null;
      this._opened = false;
      return this._query("COMMIT").then(() => {

  // Mutating the Database

  persistJSONBlob(id, json) {
    const JSONBlob = require('./json-blob').default;
    return this.persistModel(new JSONBlob({id, json}));

  Asynchronously writes `model` to the cache and triggers a change event.

  @param {Model} model - A {Model} to write to the database.

  @returns {Promise} - A promise that:
    - resolves after the database queries are complete and any listening
      database callbacks have finished
    - rejects if any databse query fails or one of the triggering
      callbacks failed
  persistModel(model) {
    if (!model || !(model instanceof Model)) {
      throw new Error("DatabaseTransaction::persistModel - You must pass an instance of the Model class.");
    return this.persistModels([model]);

  Asynchronously writes `models` to the cache and triggers a single change
  event. Note: Models must be of the same class to be persisted in a batch operation.

  @param {Array} models - An {Array} of {Model} objects to write to the database.

  @returns {Promise} - A promise that:
    - resolves after the database queries are complete and any listening
      database callbacks have finished
    - rejects if any databse query fails or one of the triggering
      callbacks failed
  persistModels(models = []) {
    if (models.length === 0) {
      return Promise.resolve();

    const klass = models[0].constructor;
    const clones = [];
    const ids = {};

    if (!(models[0] instanceof Model)) {
      throw new Error(`DatabaseTransaction::persistModels - You must pass an array of items which descend from the Model class.`);

    for (const model of models) {
      if (!model || (model.constructor !== klass)) {
        throw new Error(`DatabaseTransaction::persistModels - When you batch persist objects, they must be of the same type`);
      if (ids[model.id]) {
        throw new Error(`DatabaseTransaction::persistModels - You must pass an array of models with different ids. ID ${model.id} is in the set multiple times.`)
      ids[model.id] = true;

    // Note: It's important that we clone the objects since other code could mutate
    // them during the save process. We want to guaruntee that the models you send to
    // persistModels are saved exactly as they were sent.
    const metadata = {
      objectClass: clones[0].constructor.name,
      objectIds: Object.keys(ids),
      objects: clones,
      type: 'persist',

    return this._runMutationHooks('beforeDatabaseChange', metadata).then((data) => {
      return this._writeModels(clones).then(() => {
        this._runMutationHooks('afterDatabaseChange', metadata, data);
        return this._changeRecords.push(new DatabaseChangeRecord(this.database, metadata));

  Asynchronously removes `model` from the cache and triggers a change event.

  @param {Model} model - A {Model} to write to the database.

  @returns {Promise} - A promise that
    - resolves after the database queries are complete and any listening
      database callbacks have finished
    - rejects if any databse query fails or one of the triggering
      callbacks failed
  unpersistModel(model) {
    const clone = model.clone();
    const metadata = {
      objectClass: clone.constructor.name,
      objectIds: [clone.id],
      objects: [clone],
      type: 'unpersist',

    return this._runMutationHooks('beforeDatabaseChange', metadata).then((data) => {
      return this._deleteModel(clone).then(() => {
        this._runMutationHooks('afterDatabaseChange', metadata, data);
        return this._changeRecords.push(new DatabaseChangeRecord(this.database, metadata));

  // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  _query = (...args) => {
    return this.database._query(...args);

  _runMutationHooks(selectorName, metadata, data = []) {
    const beforePromises = this.database.mutationHooks().map((hook, idx) =>
      Promise.try(() => hook[selectorName](this._query, metadata, data[idx]))

    return Promise.all(beforePromises).catch((e) => {
      if (!process.env.CI) {
        console.warn(`DatabaseTransaction Hook: ${selectorName} failed`, e);
      return Promise.resolve([]);

  // Fires the queries required to write models to the DB
  // Returns a promise that:
  //   - resolves when all write queries are complete
  //   - rejects if any query fails
  _writeModels(models) {
    const promises = [];

    // IMPORTANT: This method assumes that all the models you
    // provide are of the same class, and have different ids!

    // Avoid trying to write too many objects a time - sqlite can only handle
    // value sets `(?,?)...` of less than SQLITE_MAX_COMPOUND_SELECT (500),
    // and we don't know ahead of time whether we'll hit that or not.
    if (models.length > 50) {
      return Promise.all([
        this._writeModels(models.slice(0, 50)),

    const klass = models[0].constructor;
    const attributes = Object.keys(klass.attributes).map(key => klass.attributes[key])

    const columnAttributes = attributes.filter((attr) =>
      attr.queryable && attr.columnSQL && attr.jsonKey !== 'id'

    // Compute the columns in the model table and a question mark string
    const columns = ['id', 'data'];
    const columnMarks = ['?', '?'];
    columnAttributes.forEach((attr) => {
    const columnsSQL = columns.join(',');
    const marksSet = `(${columnMarks.join(',')})`;

    // Prepare a batch insert VALUES (?,?,?), (?,?,?)... by assembling
    // an array of the values and a corresponding question mark set
    const values = [];
    const marks = [];
    const ids = [];
    const modelsJSONs = [];
    for (const model of models) {
      const json = model.toJSON({joined: false});
      values.push(model.id, JSON.stringify(json, this.database.models.JSONReplacer));
      columnAttributes.forEach((attr) => {

    const marksSQL = marks.join(',');

    promises.push(this._query(`REPLACE INTO \`${klass.name}\` (${columnsSQL}) VALUES ${marksSQL}`, values));

    // For each join table property, find all the items in the join table for this
    // model and delete them. Insert each new value back into the table.
    const collectionAttributes = attributes.filter((attr) =>
      attr.queryable && attr instanceof AttributeCollection

    collectionAttributes.forEach((attr) => {
      const joinTable = tableNameForJoin(klass, attr.itemClass);

      promises.push(this._query(`DELETE FROM \`${joinTable}\` WHERE \`id\` IN ('${ids.join("','")}')`));

      const joinMarks = [];
      const joinedValues = [];
      const joinMarkUnit = `(${["?", "?"].concat(attr.joinQueryableBy.map(() => '?')).join(',')})`;
      const joinQueryableByJSONKeys = attr.joinQueryableBy.map(joinedModelKey =>
      const joinColumns = ['id', 'value'].concat(joinQueryableByJSONKeys);

      // https://www.sqlite.org/limits.html: SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER
      const valuesPerRow = joinColumns.length;
      const rowsPerInsert = Math.floor(600 / valuesPerRow);
      const valuesPerInsert = rowsPerInsert * valuesPerRow;

      models.forEach((model, idx) => {
        const joinedModels = model[attr.modelKey] || [];
        for (const joined of joinedModels) {
          if (!attr.joinOnField) {
            throw new Error(`Queryable collection attribute ${attr.modelKey} must specify a joinOnField`);
          const joinValue = joined[attr.joinOnField];
          joinedValues.push(model.id, joinValue);
          for (const joinedJsonKey of joinQueryableByJSONKeys) {

      if (joinedValues.length !== 0) {
        // Write no more than 200 items (400 values) at once to avoid sqlite limits
        // 399 values: slices:[0..0]
        // 400 values: slices:[0..0]
        // 401 values: slices:[0..1]
        const slicePageCount = Math.ceil(joinMarks.length / rowsPerInsert) - 1;
        for (let slice = 0; slice <= slicePageCount; slice++) {
          const [ms, me] = [slice * rowsPerInsert, slice * rowsPerInsert + rowsPerInsert];
          const [vs, ve] = [slice * valuesPerInsert, slice * valuesPerInsert + valuesPerInsert];
          promises.push(this._query(`INSERT OR IGNORE INTO \`${joinTable}\` (\`${joinColumns.join('`,`')}\`) VALUES ${joinMarks.slice(ms, me).join(',')}`, joinedValues.slice(vs, ve)));

    // For each joined data property stored in another table...
    const joinedDataAttributes = attributes.filter(attr =>
      attr instanceof AttributeJoinedData

    joinedDataAttributes.forEach((attr) => {
      for (const model of models) {
        if (model[attr.modelKey] !== undefined) {
          promises.push(this._query(`REPLACE INTO \`${attr.modelTable}\` (\`id\`, \`value\`) VALUES (?, ?)`, [model.id, model[attr.modelKey]]));

    return Promise.all(promises);

  // Fires the queries required to delete models to the DB
  // Returns a promise that:
  //   - resolves when all deltion queries are complete
  //   - rejects if any query fails
  _deleteModel(model) {
    const promises = []

    const klass = model.constructor;
    const attributes = Object.keys(klass.attributes).map(key => klass.attributes[key]);

    // Delete the primary record
    promises.push(this._query(`DELETE FROM \`${klass.name}\` WHERE \`id\` = ?`, [model.id]))

    // For each join table property, find all the items in the join table for this
    // model and delte them. Insert each new value back into the table.
    const collectionAttributes = attributes.filter(attr =>
      attr.queryable && attr instanceof AttributeCollection

    collectionAttributes.forEach((attr) => {
      const joinTable = tableNameForJoin(klass, attr.itemClass);
      promises.push(this._query(`DELETE FROM \`${joinTable}\` WHERE \`id\` = ?`, [model.id]))

    const joinedDataAttributes = attributes.filter(attr =>
      attr instanceof AttributeJoinedData

    joinedDataAttributes.forEach((attr) => {
      promises.push(this._query(`DELETE FROM \`${attr.modelTable}\` WHERE \`id\` = ?`, [model.id]));

    return Promise.all(promises);